Finally Friday

Is it a bad thing that my first instinct upon receiving my OOB Press Pass was to take it home and be-glitter the castle? Surely not.

As much as I would like to reinstate Foodie Friday today, I'm just too damn busy with Out of Bounds this week. You can follow the festivities on Flickr or be more awesome and come to a few shows.

So far the entertainment has been pretty stellar - last night's You're Not My Real Dad (ATX), Splendid Things (MIN) and 7-10 Split (LA) all had me cracking up behind my camera.

If you're in Austin, there are still a few days left and the shows only get better from here. Might I suggest local troupes Girls Girls Girls, PGraph and Knuckleball Now, as well as FUCT (NYC) and Available Cupholders; or for a cheap thrill hit the $5 marathons at Coldtowne Theater tonight and tomorrow.


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