Tough Stuff
In case it hasn't terribly obvious as of late, I have devoted a lot of energy and time to evaluating myself and my relationships with others. I have been trying to take a somewhat objective look at my character and determine which traits are healthy and which may not be, asking myself in the process: if I change X, how will it affect Y, and will that change me? Will I still be Christa if I completely alter how I manifest my emotions and interact with other people?
Hard things to face, and neither my craptastic laptop nor my dog are providing any revelatory responses to my queries tonight.
I think it's time that I ran this by someone other than my nonexistent blogging audience.
Hard things to face, and neither my craptastic laptop nor my dog are providing any revelatory responses to my queries tonight.
I think it's time that I ran this by someone other than my nonexistent blogging audience.