Five Things: Acquired Tastes
Apparently decision-making skills are not the only things to develop in the 25th year. Whether this is due the ripening of my grown-up taste buds or a decline in my dietary discrimination, I have come across several food that I have never cared for that I now want all. the. time.
Bread and butter pickles
Sweet, crunchy, buttery goodness in the form of a one-time cucumber? Yes, thank you.
Cookies and cream ice cream
I don't know what it was about this that I found so vile for the first quarter of my life. Much to my roommate's dismay, I discovered through his half-gallon of goodness that I no longer have an aversion the texture of somewhat soggy Oreo crumbs folded into rich vanilla ice cream.
Chive cream cheese
Or chives in eggs. Or chives on potatoes. Or just chives on anything savory. Apparently my hatred for the bulbous onion cousin does not include these delicious green tubes of flavor.
Almond milk
I hopped on the anti-cow-milk bandwagon and have tried for years to develop a tolerance for soy milk in cereal. My efforts were futile, something about the texture, the way soy milk soaks into the cereal... don't ask me to explain, I just can't stomach it. But lo! Almond Dream has changed the game for me, it's even cookie-dipping worthy! JOY!
Add goat cheese. Need I say more?
And you? Any newly-acquired or long-hated flavors on your palate?