This Time It’s Personal
I have recently come to see that one of the hardest things for me to deal with is being misunderstood.
Before you go calling me a melodramatic emo kid, hear me out. I am not referring to the no-one-gets-me, I’m-a-lonesome-snowflake-floating-in-the-dark type of misunderstood.
What I am getting at are those moments when I have the best of intentions, yet somewhere between planning and execution something goes awry and someone I am close to reacts in a way unforeseen through my rosy specs. It may be so clear to me that my reasoning, my opinion or my words and actions are justified and may be the best way to reach an objective, yet the person on the other end just misses it.
Maybe they can’t quite see past their own understanding and emotions to the grand scheme in my head, maybe I just haven't communicated clearly enough, or maybe my scheme really isn't so grand. Perhaps the people closest to me aren't used to anything but the agreeable and occasionally over-a...
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