Wishful Thinking

So, that fore-mentioned j-o-b has kept me rather busy lately. Nonetheless, I am back with another self-indulgent addition to my wishlist here on Saccharine Thoughts.

I know what you may be thinking: "Chick has a job now, can't she buy this shit instead of talking about it?" Well my friend, while I am working again, I left my cushy job at HomeAway to do something I love and believe in at a non-profit art space here in Austin. Thus, material indulgences like this one will be few and far between but happiness, I'm learning, will be in abundant supply. Fair trade, by far :)

This week I'll step away from Etsy's "Pounce" button and share something that MissK sent my way saying, "Saw this and thought of you!"

Girlfriend does know me so well.

Specifically, I'd pretty much sport this Ayn Rand tribute as often as I could get away with were I to find it in my t-shirt pile!

Also, if these Orwell-inspired threads had a fan button, I'd be clicking it. Hard.

And this Scarlet Letter jersey? A must for any Hawthorne fan. cough*nudge*cough


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