Supremacy via Izzard

From Dress to Kill:

When people from the same genetic group intermarry...
Hello-oo? Cousins marrying equals IQ down the toilet. Hitler was trying this. The first generation of Nazis - "Sieg heil!"
The second generation - "Sieg heil."
The third generation. "Er...Sieg...
"I have no idea."

Pedigree dogs and mongrel dogs are the proof of this experiment. Pedigree dogs are all inbred, you take their grandmother and nephew, and they're all next to each other in the genetic pool. They look good
but they just go, "Er...woof."
"What do you think about the latest doggie situation?"


Whereas the mongrel with a black patch on a white face, furry on top and sleek below because a lion shagged a whippet? Yes, that's the one. That one nicks your credit cards and drives off to the Bahamas.

Believe it.


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