It’s Fine, I’m Fine, We’re Fine

I have quickly learned that dating a theater nut/drama teacher brings with it a few things: good taste in movies, exposure to lots of great art in many forms, and a guarantee of random song and dance at any given time. Unfortunately for BlueEyes, I cannot sing. Fortunately for me, he absolutely can.

Throughout the month of November he had a tendency to break out into song in my passenger seat with pieces from a musical I had neither seen nor heard of - The Last 5 Years. He explained: It’s a touching, tragic story about 2 people that are absolutely perfect for each other, but for whom tough breaks simply stand in the way of being happy together. Despite chalking their failure up to to circumstance, he sided with the female role, Cathy, and laid more blame on Jamie.


Shortly thereafter I found myself semisecretly piecing the production together through YouTube clips, insanely curious about this story that had laid such an impression on my man. Once I had it arranged, I listened to it straight through. It proved to be a piece that left a heavy an impression on me as well; I loved it. But you guys? I didn't agree with him.

This triggered an awesome, open, uber-interesting conversation as well as an examination of my own motives, behavior and reactions, and provoked resolutions of self-improvement. Of the lessons I took from Brown’s story (which I promise to share very soon!) the most resolute is this:

Never will I allow a bruised ego or a tough break stand in the way of something I want. Never will I allow circumstance to define my options or limit my happiness. Ever.


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