
Showing posts from February, 2009

Happy Birthday Lovely Lady!


Pajamachievements Preview 3

Good Idea

Who cares. Who cares if it's sensible or logical; if it's sound, rational, justified or guaranteed to end well. I'll take my delicious ambiguity over lackluster security any day. "I wanted a perfect ending... Now, I've learned the hard way that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. Ah, delicious ambiguity." - Gilda Radner Also, sometimes I think Bill Lawrence is mocking me.


Listen to the mustn'ts child, listen to the don'ts Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me: Anything can happen child, anything can be. — Shel Silverstein.

Pajamachievements: Castle Crashers

TiP: Transformation in Progress

This week was a damn fun one! I have been getting up earlier every single morning to do my exercises and crunches, +11 (what, one point for every day right?) I spent lots quality time with old and new friends, +4 I went dress shopping and for the first time ever felt great about it, +1 Got in some practice time with my camera, +1 And realized I’m much better with my film than my digital SLR Minolta, probably due to lack of practice with the latter. On Saturday I had one of the best and most memorable Valentine’s Days that I’ve ever had, and the first one ever to be spent single. As for other goals, I really can’t claim any solid progress, so it’s time I start living by to-do lists. This week’s list is focused here: catching up with all the entries I’ve saved and not published and uploading and editing all the photos from the past 2 months to add to my new Flickr account. Also focusing on the newsletter at work, which is just starting to take form and will hopefully open some doors for ...

Nobody Knows, pt III

Our Morning Elegance

Nobody Knows, pt II

My Morning Elegance Where in me lies my elegance? My charm? The morningtime provides a time of innocence, that time when the light still barely peeks through my muslin curtains, before I’ve been polluted by the negativity of the outside world. It’s in that filmy state of mind when I’m truly me, made up of only my own thoughts. So what is it in the morning that glows through my being that makes the person lying next to me roll over and feel the immediate need to wrap his arms around me and not let go? Whatever it is, I can only hope I wear it throughout the day. There are those mornings when I feel it slip away as my bare feet touch the floor. Like waking from a dream, the sparkles fade from my demeanor. Those sparkles are what I fight for daily; to not lose them, to not let them be sucked from my smile by the monotony of the day. It is those sweet moments of beauty and hope that all too often get glossed over, those seconds in life that make me pause and smile that let me know it’s wo...

Nobody Knows, pt I

Her Morning Elegance

xkcd Sunday


Transformation Challenge

Things have changed considerably since I mapped out my game plan here. My course has suddenly shifted like the walls of a labyrinth and the obstacles are not things I will be able to push out of the way, so my goals must change accordingly. Lucky for me one of my favorite blogs started the iCing Transformation Challenge on Sunday, and I am actively taking part. Time redefine these goals and reroute my path to get to them. So much for dance lessons, and for strengthening my climbing ability. For the next month I’ll be focusing on strengthening this leg in preparation for reconstructive surgery on March 5, in hopes that fortifying it now will help in rehab and lessen the inevitable effects of atrophy later. Stretching, leg lifts and other ergonomic exercises every morning and why not crunches while I’m at it, since I won’t be too capable of doing much along the lines of cardio for another 3 months. I’d still like to do my best to lose about 10 pounds, so cleaning up my eating habits is...

Pajamachievements: Burnout Revenge on XBL

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

I woke up at 3 AM still in that filmy dream state of mind. I could have sworn you were lying next to me, playing with my hair and tracing my freckles with your fingers. Then I opened my eyes; my silly brain was playing tricks on me again. Ah well, bittersweet.

Third Time's a Charm

At least let's hope so. I began today with a 3-hour visit to an orthopedist and came out with a band-aid on my knee. Oh, the irony. I've actually torn my ACL, again, along with the lateral meniscus, again. Just when I was getting my balance back, climbing strong, making real improvements and feeling great about myself, I'm careless and take a fall that could have been prevented, or at least minimized. A rewind button would be really, really handy right about now, as I look gloomily at 2 months in an immobilizing brace, 4 months of physical therapy and 6-9 months off of climbing. Lame doesn't even begin to describe this impending year. Now I am seeking out the silver lining of the big dark cloud that just unleashed a downpour on my parade. Surely there is something rosy here, right? I'll have an allograph, meaning this time they won't be removing a tendon from somewhere else in my body to replace this one. Big plus. Hopefully it will speed recovery time, and lea...

xkcd Sunday
