
Showing posts from August, 2010


A real-life excerpt from a text conversation with my mother: mom : I had lunch with insert male friend from high school here > today, he said to tell you hi. me : why on earth did you have lunch with insert male friend from high school here >?? mom : I was having a cougar moment and he has really pretty eyes. Sometimes, I wish my mother had never learned to text. Sidenote: my parents are still happily married. She was kidding.

Five Minutes on Faith

As if Joss Whedon hadn't already proven his superior level awesome, here are a few of his thoughts on Humanism and Education with some humor mixed in, circa 2009. I shared some of my own thoughts on faith well over a year ago, and I find it phenomenal to hear a similar standpoint reiterated so eloquently and honestly. "The important thing is not that we are right. The important thing is: where do we go from where?"

Nerdfind of the Week

The Southern Oracle - Neverending Story In the tragic case that you may not remember these, let me refresh your 1980's kid fantasy movie memory: AAATREEEEYUUUU!!!
You guys! Can you believe the year is halfway over already?! Well, 7/12 over, to be more accurate. 2010 has kept me oh-so-busy, but it has treated me oh-so-well. Let’s be honest: 2009? It kind of sucked. I dreaded going in to work at HomeAway each morning, as my job there had become utterly mind-numbing. I stumbled through two fickle, overdramatic attempts at dating. Throw in a roommate who bailed on a 14-month lease and a fourth knee surgery, and you can see why I was pretty ready to see the year come to an end. 2010 started off with a bang… and a clangor… and a crash, as I resolutely ended the second of ‘09s wavering relationships, and left my reasonably-well-paying employment... and benefits... and 4 weeks of vacation for the great unknown. During a recession. Whee! As it turns out, the Universe had much bigger things in store for me—I was unexpectedly reunited with a year-old crush over a game of pool which, nigh 6 months later, has blossomed into a fulfilling friendship and ...



NerdFind of the Week

Bioshock cake toppers A Big Daddy and Little Sister on top of a cake: Creepy? Yes. Awesome? Also Yes. WIN. via Offbeat Bride For those wondering what on earth I'm talking about:

Blessed are the Geek

...for they shall inherit the earth. And then make awesome parents. I mean really... have you ever seen a happier baby?