8 months: So Close

Where has this year gone?

It's now been 8 whole months since my last surgery. I have what could be my final follow-up appointment with my orthopedist scheduled on December 7.

Holeee Crap.

Dr. Brotzman keeps telling me that I HAVE to regain the musculature in my right leg in order for it to support the ligaments the way that it should, which I've written off as damn near impossible since it is the result of 8 years of overcompensation for 2 botched ACL repairs. However, since this 4th surgery has left me stronger and in less pain than I've seen since my freshman year of high school, I have to wonder how close I can get. As of now, the stats are as follow:

Left calf: 14.5"
Right calf: 14.25"

Left upper quad: 21"
Right upper quad: 20"

Left lower quad: 18"
Right lower quad: 16.5"

So, I essentially have 35 days to whip my butt into gear and close those gaps, so that I can without hesitation ask for a rock gym membership for Christmas :D

Let the work outs begin!


Hey cutie! I just wanted to let you know that the 'Year in Yes' 2010 calendar is officially for sale now, if you're still keen! Thanks for making Yes and Yes part of your day ;)

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