
It’s been over six years since my last visit here.

What can happen in six years? So much.

You can end a relationship. Begin a new one. Finish a degree. Change careers. Lose a dog. Find a dog. Get engaged. Get another degree. Get another dog. Buy a house.

You can turn 30. Go to therapy. Work through trauma. Pursue another degree. End an engagement. Lose a house. Find a home.

I’ve missed writing here, but the idea of returning has loomed, intimidating, ever on the horizon of next month, next year, when I have time, when I have purpose. I’d like to try again, if you’ll have me.

Six years ago, I asked for change. I asked to be brought “the new, the challenging, the adventurous. Give me opportunities to grow, to learn, and demand more from me than I’ve ever put forth.” I don’t remember writing those words, but regardless of my faulty memory, the universe has delivered. Having now gone back to read through the planned posts that never made it publishing, I realize that some things really never change.

I am still me, maybe more so, and I intend to write about the things that matter to me. I imagine that will look something like education, physical health, mental health, yoga, and fighting. Things may be a bit less saccharine around here, but there’s bound to still be plenty of puppies and pastries mixed in. As I said, some things never change.


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