Lucky Day

One might think that in my current state of uncertainty I may be feeling a bit down on my luck, right?

On the contrary, I am kind of delighted with my life at the moment. Instead of giving way to fearful feelings of instability, my situation is actually inducing feelings of freedom and power, and I've chosen to embrace this little bit of ambiguity.

I am being forced out of my comfortable-but-stagnant office routine to learn and grow, to look beyond my current position and strive for my full potential. To see a challenge and step up to it instead of shying away for fear of inadequacy, to see possibilities in things I may have been intimidated by before, and to look for ways that I might better prepare or tailor myself for those opportunities. Polish up my people skills? Yes! Learn a new software? Sure! Send in resumes even though I may not be quite qualified, just for the interview experience? Absolutely. It's the ultimate "why the hell not?" mindset and frankly, I'm quite enjoying it.

All in all my blessings far outweigh my curses, so today I'm counting my lucky stars for things like this:
  • Great friends
  • Opportunities to help
  • More great friends
  • Waking up to this
  • The prospect of waking up to this
  • A promising interview tomorrow for a job I'm sure I have dreamt about
  • Being a part of a talented community
  • Singing along to Broadway soundtracks
  • Friends who put up with my singing. Even better - those who sing louder than me.
  • Awesome and affordable yoga

What are you feeling lucky for today?


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