or, Why I Love Canada. It is mid-October, which is supposed to be my favorite time of the year. Pumpkins, scarves, funny hats, chilled noses, and time to make warm hearty home food. There is one thing standing in the way of my fully enjoying this season: I live in Texas. It is currently 83° and thanks to the unfriendly 70% humidity it feels like 90°. On a side note that is, I assure you, completely unrelated, it is currently 40° in Toronto. Did I mention how much I adored Toronto? NO?! Well then, please allow me to gush just a bit… As a recap, BlueEyes and I decided to make the trek to Canada since he and his brothers were performing at the Toronto Improv Festival. I will regale you with stories of our international adventures later on (as if they’re not already overdue) but for now, just let me tell you about wonderous mythical place and what I loved about it. The People - I have always heard that southerners are a friendly, trusting people, more pleasant and welcoming than our north...